Cannot access Türkiye/Syria: Earthquakes 2023 - administrative regions

I am unable to find the Türkiye/Syria: Earthquakes 2023 - administrative regions survey set when logged in and searching in the public library. It says “There are no assets to display.” Am I in the wrong place? How can I access this information please?

I am a humanitarian worker and would like to use these form questions rather than starting from scratch, if possible.

Thanks for you help

Hi @HeatherSonya,

I am able to find the public library, i think there is a problem from your end. can you check this link, it is a direct link to “Türkiye/ Syria: Earthquakes 2023”


@HeatherSonya, are you using server?

Because it seems that it is missing:

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Hi Osmanburcu, when I follow this link I am directed to two files showing questions related to the administrative regions of Syria and Turkiye. Thank you

Yes and I cant find anything related to the earthquakes which would be useful for OCHA reporting, other than the link Osmanburcu just supplied me with,

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Pinging @Hadeelt for cloning the public collection from Humanitarian response server to other one.


If you use it for OCHA, why do you use You can use the

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@HeatherSonya, backing up with what @osmanburcu and @hakan_cetinkaya has advised; you could follow the steps outlined below to download the administrative regions as follows:

  • Go to Public Collections
  • Select the Public Collections that you wish to have as XLSForm
  • Once you are on the desired Public Collections, you should then be able to download the Public Collections as an XLSForm as shown in the image below:

Hi, @Kal_Lam

That collection doesn’t exist in the KF server.

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@hakan_cetinkaya, it should now be public even under the non-humanitarian server. FYR:

cc: @HeatherSonya

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Thank you for your help Hakan!


Thank you @Kal_Lam

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