Cannot delete user

Hi all,

attempt to delete user through Django admin fails with HTTP 500, with the following error in log:

postgres_1 | 2018-11-18 12:39:10 GMT ERROR: update or delete on table “auth_user” violates foreign key constraint “hub_extrauserdetail_user_id_6581662bfd031a64_fk_auth_user_id” on table “hub_extrauserdetail”
postgres_1 | 2018-11-18 12:39:10 GMT DETAIL: Key (id)=(570) is still referenced from table “hub_extrauserdetail”.
postgres_1 | 2018-11-18 12:39:10 GMT STATEMENT: COMMIT

Please help!

Best, V

With latest release of kpi, you should be able to delete users from kpi admin interface in 2 steps.


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still happening the same problem, error (500)

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All services are running fine

and these are current versions of images that are running on my server

when i delete a user; server throws 500 error.