Cannot Query data by using metadata date comparison with zone

I have private kobo instance which runs on docker.
As a result timezone of kboo instance is always in UTC. No changes where made to images and django Timezone settings.

Lets say I have form with activated metadata “start time” and “end time”

Below is my test submission from api response:

    "_id": 73,
    "start": "2024-12-09T15:29:15.347+01:00",
    "end": "2024-12-09T16:52:11.150+01:00",
    "CUI": "123v12",
    "image": "Screenshot from 2024-12-09 15-13-56-15_29_18.png",
    "test1": "234v",
    "test2": "2024-12-12T15:15:00.000+01:00",
    "meta/instanceID": "uuid:d28c1d33-a833-4f95-ac0a-9b5944c9ee7f",
    "meta/rootUuid": "abb26879-03d8-494a-a910-b7ce21d7f945",
    "meta/deprecatedID": "uuid:abb26879-03d8-494a-a910-b7ce21d7f945",
    "formhub/uuid": "36b0f961db584fbfa77f2b98198e820a",
    "__version__": "v5fViPnxZwEV4R3MAGVBbY",
    "_xform_id_string": "afc99fafZ3JcCx3QLsgCMT",
    "_uuid": "d28c1d33-a833-4f95-ac0a-9b5944c9ee7f",
    "_attachments": [
            "download_url": "",
            "download_large_url": "",
            "download_medium_url": "",
            "download_small_url": "",
            "mimetype": "image/png",
            "filename": "sysadmin/attachments/36b0f961db584fbfa77f2b98198e820a/abb26879-03d8-494a-a910-b7ce21d7f945/Screenshot_from_2024-12-09_15-13-56-15_29_18.png",
            "instance": 73,
            "xform": 8,
            "id": 196
    "_status": "submitted_via_web",
    "_geolocation": [
    "_submission_time": "2024-12-09T14:29:23",
    "_tags": [],
    "_notes": [],
    "_validation_status": {},
    "_submitted_by": null

This submission was submitted in Europe/Warsaw zone ,this is why it has values “start” and “end” with timezone +01:00. _submission_time is always in UTC.

I am trying to query by fields:
a) _submission_time
b) “end”.

When I am querying using api for _submission_time , everything works correctly.{“_submission_time”:{“$gte”:“2024-12-09T14:29:23”}}&sort={“_submission_time”:-1}

This query returns this submission and other new submissions. As a result it can be used to pull newest data.

I want to use “end” to fetch updated submissions which where modified.{“end”:{“$gte”:“2024-12-09T16:52:11.150+01:00”}}&sort={“_submission_time”:-1}

In reality it should return submission and modified submissions which have “end” greater or equal 2024-12-09T15:29:22.994+01:00.

2024-12-09T16:52:11.150+01:00 its equal to 2024-12-09T17:52:11.150+02:00
When I try to pass:
{“end”:{“$gte”:“2024-12-09T17:52:11.150+02:00”}} it should return the same results. But it returns empty results.

So I checked out and in reality timezone passed is ignored by API.
It doesn’t matter what I pass in timezone with plus hours (f.ex +00:00 , +07:00).
API returns nothing if I pass with minus timezones (f.ex -00:00, -07:00).

API currently checks only date with time and ignores zone but this is completely unreliable
because end user can submit this forms in different timezone than kobo instance which was set in UTC.
It looks like I need to completely ignore zone and pass:
2024-12-09T16:52:11.150+01:00 → 2024-12-09T16:52:11.150

All links are correctly send and url encoded.

Can you explain if it is bug on your system? How to reliably get modified submissions?

Any information from community?