Can't add html link to form

I have created my form using XLSForm and imported it into Kobo Toolbox. I have linked some text in a note to a webpage but when I view the form, the link is displaying as html and is not an actual link. How can I add a <a href link to my form?

I have been able to do this, I didn’t see the information in the XLSForms documentation at first. For anybody else who has also missed it, it is done by adding this: name of link
There mustn’t be a space between ] and (

Hi @Tracey,

Thanks for sharing on how to add a hyperlink to a text using an xlsform:

[Google] (


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Kobotoolbox esta cambiando el enlace que coloco:
Original: Descarga aqui las bases del concurso

Kobo cambia el enlace y coloca esto:<em>OzjmwtkNMj1YS7gh</em>L_x8na64fWh/view?usp=sharing

es decir, coloca en donde deberia ir ( _ ) como en el original

Welcome to the community, @Franlesky! Could you also let the community know on which URL is changing?

I send you the test link, so you can appreciate the error, the kobotoolbox link in enketo modifies the link and adds and later so the link is not redirected properly

original link is:

enketo is add ( “< em >” and “< / e m >”)

esa es una prueba del error presentado.