Can't make any amendments in the submitted reports

l have been trying to make some amendments to the submitted report but every time when I press Submit I see this message “The data server for your form or the Enketo server is down. Please try again later or contact (500).” So, I can’t save any changes I made.

Hi @lleshchenko and welcome to the community!

Can you tell which server you are using? And if this happens when you try to edit the form?

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Hi @hakan_cetinkaya , I’m using Windows 10 Business. Yes, it happens when I try to edit the form, last time I did it two weeks ago and everything was fine.

Hi @hakan_cetinkaya , could you help me with this issue?

Hi @lleshchenko,

There are 2 public servers of KoboToolbox:

What you said in here:

is an operating system.

Can you check which server you are using?

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@hakan_cetinkaya yeah, I’m using this one

hi @lleshchenko, Can you please check if the submission’s uuid is duplicating? when the uuid is duplicating, it throws this error.

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Hi @osmanburcu, yes, it is duplicating. The problem is that it is not allowed me to delete one

if you are not allowed to delete one, unfortunately, you can’t edit both forms, to be able to edit it you need to delete one of them

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ok, thank you! @osmanburcu

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@osmanburcu, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: