February 15, 2024, 9:25pm
Even the audio is recording, im not been able to listen to the Background audio recording direct from the Submission Record data.
See, the audio is recorded (i can hear it direct from the table it self), but not from here.
It used to work. Isn’t working anymore.
Any clues whay?
February 16, 2024, 5:07am
Welcome to the community, @gessonm ! Did you mean you were not able to listen to the background audio recording directly from the server
or from the Collect Android App
February 16, 2024, 9:15pm
Hello, Tks.
From the server.
You can see im the image above. It shows like no audio was recorded.
But it did. I can download it ad listen.
But, for the project im working on, i need to listen to the audio direct from table data.
It used to work.
February 19, 2024, 1:34pm
Still facing the same issue.
Anyone facing somethint like that?
Anyone know how to fix it propoerly?
February 20, 2024, 6:16am
@gessonm , OK, I now get your point. So you mean you cannot open the background audio from here …
Will get back to see if this is a bug. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
February 26, 2024, 7:57pm
Ok, Thanks
Don’t forget about me
Just checked it again and faced the same issue.
@gessonm , thank you for brining this to our attention. We now have a GitHub issue for this:
opened 11:59PM - 27 Feb 24 UTC
## Description
Background audio files do not play in the submission preview. Th… is is true for both AMR and M4A files.
It looks like there is no audio attached to the audio player. On inspection of the element, there is no `src` for the audio player to play.

March 6, 2024, 6:40am
good morning, what was the resolution over this issue, am unable to playback the audio from the submission record as well
Hello to everyone,
The aswer that i had was that “the audio files do not play in the submission preview.”"
But i don’t think it’s true, because im using the kobo solution for over 2 years now, and like i said before, it allways worked like that.
It’s visible that there is a place to listen to that audio in the submission preview; if was not like that, the “audio player” that we found above serves for what porpuse?
March 7, 2024, 7:19am
that makes sense, is there another alternative for playing back