I am using enketo to send data to the kobo server and I need to send high definition images with sizes larger than 5Mb. Is there any way to modify this limit?
Are you on a self-hosted server or in one of the publicly hosted servers?
Iām on a public hosted server
You are allowed to upload only image size <10 MB
There is no way to change this limitation?
Unless you are on a self-hosted server. Changing the image size in a publicly hosted server is not possible. Sorry!
Ok, thanks for the quick reply
Good afternoon,
I have the self-hosted application, can you please tell me how I can increase the limit to upload larger files.
I have an image input in KOBO app, and most of the image data captured by this item have a file size of 3-5 MB. What I need is, make the item set the maximum file size of each image captured to just a maximum of 2 MB. The file size of each image captured by that item in the KOBO app should be 2 MB or less. How to do that in kobo.humanitarianresponse.info -form editor?`