Change options via API

Is it possible to change options for a single select question via API?

Could you kindly provide more details on this?

Sure, here is some more context: We have two forms: form A and form B. In form A, names of reforestation sites are recorded. In form B, a volunteer is giving an update on the reforestation progress for a particular site. We are looking for construction where registration sites from the form A are automatically included in the answer options in form B, for the question where the name of the site is asked.

I tried to do it via PATCH (from Update form section at api/v1/forms ) and connect it to a workflow that will automatically update form B when the form A is filled. However, it turns out that what 'Update form" does is to replace the xls form and not adding extra rows to “Options” tab.

Is there any other way to achieve that maybe?

@angelinasavchuk, kindly please be informed that KoBoToolbox is working on a feature that should be able to address your needs. It’s a work-in-progress feature. You should be able to follow it through this GitHub issue:

I will, however, reach you back when we have this feature ready. As an update, please be informed that KoBoToolbox will soon release this feature.

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@Kal_Lam Thank you for this information! Great to hear you are working on it.

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Hi @angelinasavchuk, perhaps as a workaround in the meantime, you could use the pulldata() function in your form and follow a similar method discussed here to keep form B updated with form As submissions.

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