Hi there. I would like to be able to reorder the bars on the graphs in my report. My questionnaire responses are totally agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, totally disagree. At the moment the bar graphs show bars in the order of number of responses so this order changes with each graph. Is there a way of showing the same order in each graph? Thanks!
Welcome back to the community, @ashirley! Could you share a screenshot of the issue you are explaining? However, I don’t think it’s possible, but it would be an excellent reference to start a new discussion for a feature that KoboToolbox could add in the upcoming days.
Hi there. Here is a screenshot. As you can see, the bar chat goes from highest to lowest frequency. I would prefer the bars to follow the original question order.
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This is very clear now @ashirley! I have also changed your post to the suggestion box. You could VOTE for this feature to make it a reality in the near future.