Choice Filter Problem

Hi Team,

I have a query regarding the filter based on previous question.

For Example :
Q1. Awareness of Brands
Brand A =11
Brand B=12
Brand C=13
Brand D=14
Brand E=15
Dont Know=98

Q2. Ever Consumed Brands
Brand A =11
Brand B=12
Brand C=13
Brand D=14
Brand E=15
Dont Know=98

I need to filter brands in Q2 which is aware in Q1 and Dont Know & None should be displayed in Q2. I have tried writing in Choice_filter
selected(${Q1}, name) OR name = ‘98’ OR name = ‘99’

But it dows not works…
FilterTest.xlsx (12.7 KB)


@rameshpradhan, this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue: