Choice name error

Dear reader,

I get the error “The name column for the ‘165__table__8.9’ choice list contains these duplicates: ‘Not-investigated’. Duplicate names will be impossible to identify in analysis unless a previous value in a cascading select differentiates them. If this is intentional, you can set the allow_choice_duplicates setting to ‘yes’. Learn more:

Below you can find the name column for the ‘165__table__8.9’ choice list.


Reading XLSForm Docs shows the following:

The name column of the choices sheet defines the values that will be saved when each choice is selected during data collection. Choice names for select_multiple must not contain spaces because spaces are used as a separator when an answer with multiple selected choices is saved. Choice names for select_one questions may contain spaces. However, we recommend avoiding them to make analysis easier. Additionally, this makes it possible to convert the question to a select_multiple in a future form version.

In general, choice names should be unique within a single-choice list. If two choices from the same list have the same name, they will be impossible to tell apart in analysis. If you have duplicate choice names, you will get an error, and your form will not be converted. However, it may sometimes be appropriate to have duplicate choice names. An example would be if you use a cascading select, and the choices with the same name are differentiated by a preceding question. If you do need to use duplicate choice names, you can suppress the error by using the allow_choice_duplicates setting:

Written is that “In general, choice names should be unique within a single-choice list”. That is the case here, but I have several choice lists from different questions that contain for example ‘Not-investigated’. Is it still necessary that each of the ‘Not-investigated’ choice name is unique, despite that it is part of another list?

I hope you can help me!

Welcome back to the community, @Webex! This post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

Also, we advise you to validate your XLSForm through this online validator to identify syntax issues within your XLSForm.

Thank you for your feedback! Also, I do have validated my XLSForm through this online validator to identify syntax issues within my XLSForm:)