Clear Data in Mobile App

Dear All and Hai @Kal_Lam

Could you please help me with the following question?
My phone storage is full due to the Kobo app. If I delete the app or clear its data from my mobile device after I have uploaded all the data to the server, will the data on the server be lost or affected by deleting the data from my phone in order to free up space?

Thank you

No it will not be lost. If you have submitted your finalized form submissions, then this data will remain in the Kobo server.

[and if you are paranoid :slight_smile: … create a simple form, deploy it, make a submission from the mobile app, then delete KoboCollect from your phone. Your submission will still be there! :+1: ]

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Alright, I’ll be follow your suggestion to test and make sure everything is working well.

Many thanks @Xiphware

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