Column Level Permission Or Appropriate Workaround

Hi All and Good day.

I would like to know if its possible to setup a column level permission once data has been submitted to the KoboToolBox Server. Or if not possible, how can I dynamically set Read-only attribute so that a particular survey question cannot be edited from Enketo…

Hi @mon_tejano,

Would you mind explaining this a bit (possibly with an example/picture if available) so that we understand if it’s possible in KoBoToolbox.

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam,

I am sharing a sample subset. I have a form that is shared among my colleagues who does data collection and validation. I’d like to check if the columns relating to GeoPoints (respondent_location, respondent_location_latitue, respondent_location_longiture) can be set to read-only or locked from Enketo so it cannot edited by others except by the project owner. All other fields can be modifed by all.

I tried setting the Geopoint field as Readonly but this will lock up the field during data collection in KoboCollect. I only wanted to have the field attribute change to readonly from enketo so that geopoint data cannot be modified by others given permission to review, edit the row data.

Test_Column_Level_Permission - latest version - labels - 2020-06-23-07-11-12.xlsx (5.3 KB)

Thank you

Hi @mon_tejano,

The file you have shared seems to be a dataset rather than the xlsform.

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam,

Herewith is the sample xlsform .

Test_Column_Level_Permission.xlsx (5.9 KB)

Thank you

Hi @mon_tejano,

Looking at your case, i see that currently KoBoToolbox does not support this feature where some variables (are un-editable by users with whom the project is shared but can be edited by only the owner).

I would advise you to create a new features request (explaining in detail how it works and it’s importance so that the developers could best understand your notion).

Have a great day!

Hi @Kal_Lam:

Thank you. I will take note of this. and will post a feature request. In relation to query,
is it possible to set dynamically the form readonly attribute in Enketo? I was thinking if this can be a workaround though the owner cannot edit the same column as well. (But this is ok for me)

Thank you.

maybe the following could help you.
You could copy the original GPS entry into a second variable which you set as read_only in general. If you use KoBoCollect, you could even use a dynamic (If …). read_only definition, based on a user-id from your form.
Your second variable could also be calculate or hidden type.


Hi @wroos:

Thank you and I’ll take note of this.
