Concat function not working


I have a concatenate field in my form which pulls data from 3 other questions in the same form. When either of these 3 questions are answered incorrectly and the responses are edited, the concat does not work. It turns into an “Object” error like shown in the screenshot.

Does anybody know how to resolve this?
As of now, I am deleting each record and re-entering the data since I am unable to revert it to previous format once the specific responses in the concat expression fields are edited.

@test_amrutha, could you also let us know what you see when you download your data in xls format?


The fields that are included in the concat function (CHC, Pasiente num TBC, Nu Ema Kontactus) are part of an overall group called Study ID. All fields within that group are missing values ie those included in the concat function as well as other fields within the same group.

@test_amrutha, would you mind trying the same xlsform as a different project to see if it works there?