Greeting Everyone,
I was able to Setup Kobo on Public Subnet on AWS. But for security reason, need to install it in a Private Subnet, behind a ALB Load Balancer.
The Setup waits at KoBoToolbox
has not started yet. This is can be normal with low CPU/RAM computers." The Machine i am using has 8 cores, 32 GB RAM.
Any tips/hints for this will help.
Thank you
In our server we have 20 GB RAM, so I think you can work very well with 32 GB RAM, but you know, maybe you must be carefull with how many users you will have and how many projects with a lot of data.
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Hello there, folks. I’ve not found a better and more related thread to ask for help at. So, I’m currently trying to figure out what is cidr and netmask. I’d appreciate any info provided about it.