Hi I have a set of select one questions, for one of these questions the answere '3´ must be chosen, It is also only alowed to answere ‘3’ on one question. How can I create a constraint that controls that the respondent doesn´t forget to answere ‘3’ and also only answeres ‘3’ one time?
Welcome to the community, @mhx! So the choice 3 can only be selected once from a group of select one questions (say you have 5 select_one questions). Did I get you correct? BTW, can other options (choice 1, 2, 4) be selected multiple times as you have only 4 choices (1, 2, 3, 4)?
Hi @Kal_Lam. I will explain the question more to make it more clear. The question ask for coverage in a field protocol used for fieldinvntories. So the different answeres are as follows:
1 = <5% coverage
2= 5-50% coverage
3= >50% coverage
4= Not present.
So I can choose 1,2 and 4 on every question. But I´m only alowed to choose 3 once, which also is requirement in the inventory method.
Is it possible to make a suitable constraint on group level or does it have to be for each question?
@mhx, do you mean only once from the set of select_one questions? I mean once choice 3 is selected in any question it cannot be selected in other questions. Did I get you correct?