Copying within the Kobo application

In an xls file, I created a form
The form contains some information, at the end of which I create a note collecting this information
I need the data collector to be able to copy this note into the Kobo app and send it via WhatsApp
Is there a way to activate the copying ability?

Welcome to the community, @mohammadezz! So basically, it seems like you wish to add a note to the form (data collection within the Collect Android App) and then you would like that note to be passed to a WhatsApp number. Did I get you correct?

Thank you my friend
Yes, correct
Either pass it through WhatsApp or copy it to the clipboard within the Kobo application

@mohammadezz, kindly be informed that this is not possible within the system, but you should be able to do it with external apps. I am leaving this open for the community to chime in with some workarounds that should be helpful for the entire community.