Could you please help

Hi dear
I believe you are from the Kobo team, I do need your help for something

Hi @nrcaccount,

Could you kindly list out your issue so that we could help you out if it’s related to KoBoToolbox.

Have a great day!

My kobo form doesnt work on the tablet, I dont know what is the issue; but I cant attach the xls cuz Im a new user

Is there any way to share the the xls with you?!

Hi @nrcaccount,

Would you mind sharing it now. You should be able to.

Have a great day!

2.xlsx (36.8 KB)

I do really appreciate if you can fix this error today !


Hi @nrcaccount,

Could you please share with screenshots of the error which could help us to focus on the issue.


Hi @nrcaccount,

I see language inconstant code in your xlsform with English (Eng) and Arabic (Ar). Would you mind changing your language code to English (en) and Arabic (ar) in all the three sheets viz. survey, choices and settings and see if it works.


For your ease you could try the attached xlsform:

2.xlsx (37.9 KB)

Kindly please be informed that i could load the survey project without any issue at my end. FYI:

I tried it out in both Enketo and KoBoCollect android app v1.27.3. If the issue still persists at your end, kindly please let us know.

Have a great day!

I still cannot operate my kobo form on the tablet with the changes that you made !


Hi @nrcaccount,

Could you kindly provide us with the following information so that it is easy for us to understand what you have at your end:

  • Server you are using (OCHA or HHI)
  • Browser you are using
  • KoBoCollect android app you are using

In addition, could you also let us know the device you saw the error message that you shared with us:


Have a great day!

Server: OCHA
Browser: Chrome
Kobo collect android app : KoBoColect 1.4.8 (1057)
The device used for data collection: Galaxy tab; Model number: SM-T560 ; Android version: 4.4.4

Hi @nrcaccount,

Seems like you are using an old version of the KoBoCollect android app. Could you kindly please try it out with our latest release of the KoBoCollect android app i.e. v1.27.3. You should not see this in the same. The latest release supports a lot more feature with a lot of bugs fixed.

Have a great day!

Cant download this version, cus its not compatible with my device

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Hi @nrcaccount,

Kindly test KOBO Collect version 1.25, it works with Android 4.4.4
You can find this version at the following link.

If not, try version 1.23.3 at this link:
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Hi @nrcaccount,

You could also have a look here for earlier versions of KoBoCollect android app.

Have a great day!

Hi again @nrcaccount,

Here is your issue:

Make it like this:

The form should work with your version perfectly.
2.xlsx (37.9 KB)


Million thanks to you guys, my problem has solved;
I have changed the header from “guidance_hint” to hint::English (Eng) and this saved my life !
Now my form is operating properly !