Count critaria as accept and reject

Hello Every one,
I have one question to count the criteria as accept or reject. for example I have six criteria;
1- Women Headed Households(Widows)
2- HH with one or more female member with disability
3- HH with monthly average income(AFA-2000-5000)
4- HH size more female members than male(Average family size 7 persons)
5- Women displaced due to natural disaster, climate change- in last few years(2021-2024
6- HH relying on daily wage labor by one member
if the enumerator select 4, 5 or six of them, the result show with accept if the enumerator select 1, 2 or 3 of them, the result show with reject.
Please tell me how should I came up this issue with xxls form?

Welcome to the community, @Bari! Does your survey form also have the possibility that other options can also be selected within these two conditions?

Dear Kal_Lam,
Thanks for reaching out, no just the six criteria will be selected within these conditions, as I have indicate with the topics my survey form will be used for beneficiary selection, but the selection will be headed by mentioned criteria, if the beneficiary receive 4 or more than 4 then will be accepted by project intervention if the beneficiary receive lower criteria means lower than 4 then will be rejected and don’t receive the project support. I want to know that when the surveyor chooses 4 or more criteria, it should be shown as accept, when he /she chooses less than 4, it should be shown as reject. I have attached my survey form for your kind reference.


Beneficciary Selection.xlsx (13.9 KB)

You appear to have a few errors in your existing form.

Try fixing these first and validating your form is correct with ODK - XLSForm Online, and then repost it.

BTW a quick look at your form suggests you are already correctly calculating the total number of criteria (in C1). If so you can use this directly to determine accept vs reject. eg

calculate | result | calculation = if(${C1}>=4,"accept","reject")

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Dear Xiphware,
The issue has been solved thanks for your support!