Creating a unique form ID number visible inside the Kobotoolbox App

I’m trying to create a unique form ID number and make it visible inside the Kobotoolbox Android App.

This solution presented on the KoboToolbox Documentarion is perfect for me, but It doesn’t work on the Android App, and I’m not able to use Enketo.

Are there any workarounds to print this form ID inside the Android App?
Just printing the once(now()) function would work for me as form ID.

Thanks in advace!.

I confirm that this actually works within the android form. Could you please send the XLS form for the version you created I test it out on my end?


When I try to print the “Protocol Number” inside the Odk Collect App It doesn’t show the full lenght of the now() function.

Formulario_escadaria.xls (42.5 KB)

Can you change the calculate question to text and let us see what the result is for Protocolo and keep the calculation field in place.

type name label
start start
end end
today today
username username
subscriberid subscriberid
phonenumber phonenumber
calculate data Data da Vistoria
calculate hora Hora da Vistoria
text protocolo
note num_protocolo Protocolo: ${protocolo}


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Unfortunately that doesn’t fix my problem =/

Please paste a screenshot of what you are seeing

This is what I need

Ok, I managed to do that with
$date = format-date-time(now(), ‘%y%m%d’)
$hour = format-date-time(now(), ‘%H%M%S’)
protocol = concat(${date}, ${time})

Thanks Stephan!


Hi @percezione,

Thank you for sharing this wonderful workaround to the entire community! Expecting the same in the upcoming days as well.

Have a great day!

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This is actually awesome and helpful. Please do you’ve got got a video for a five cascade select? I will substantially recognize if you can percentage that.

Hi @Fick1995,

Welcome to the community! Could you kindly please explain your issue so that we are able to support you if it’s possible with KoBoToolbox.

Have a great day!

Hi @Fick1995
As you provide more information on what exactly you are looking for, I would like to document a read of this article (link) it will definitely sort you out probably more than the video you are looking for.


Hi @Fick1995
As you provide more information on what exactly you are looking for, I would like to document a read of this article (link) it will definitely sort you out probably more than the video you are looking for.


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Hi, I think that the problem that you had was similar than mine.

This is the issue:

The unique identifier is a code that the enumerator could see to knows exactly the number of their submission to trace them in the next steps:

type name label calculation
calculate cod concat(substr(today(),2,4),substr(today(),7,5),substr(today(),10,8),substr(now(),13,11),substr(now(),16,14),substr(now(),19,17))
begin_group Rx Remisión No. ${cod}

As you can see, the unique identifier works perfectly on Enketo (web):

But, not works inside the Kobotollbox App. I attache an example of that.

¿Do you know how to resolve this?


Hi @segadu78
Our messages seemed to have crossed. It also seems you raised the same issue on two different tickets :thinking: So I will close this one and we track it on the other side.


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Hi @stephanealoo. Thank you for your response, it’s very helpfull!

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