Creating tables in KoboToolbox (without using matrix type questions)

Hi all,

I have created a short YouTube video explaining how we generate grid tables in KoboToolBox using XLSForms (mostly helpful in entering paper-based data like census forms into a database you can monitor in real-time).

I hope it is useful to some of you out there!



Hi Faith,

I have created a short YouTube video to create such tables in KoboToolBox using XLSForms (without using the Kobo matrix response) -

I hope that helps,

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Thank you, @kabira_namit, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: for sharing this with the entire community! The community should immensely benefit from your video.

My, my, Kobo is such a great place to be.
Thanks a lot, @kabira_namit. You have just made my day—a pretty simple way to structure tables in Kobo.

Thanks again…