CSV file data download error


I have an issue exporting the file contained 2nd language, into CSV file. The column mismatched between answer and question which look perfectly fine when I download in excel format.
I have to use the csv file to put data into the online dashboard,
any suggestion would be appreciate,

Hi @Okard,

Would you also mind sharing with us the screenshot of the images from the Excel version as well as the csv version. This would help us understand your issue pictorally.

Have a great day!

Normally the way a CSV is defined, as you may be aware, denotes comma seperated valued. When using a different application such as IBM SPSS, Stata, or other data analysi/processin application, it is important to really check your conversion protocol clearly. You should know the following about CSV downloaded from Kobotoolbox:

  1. All questions/columns are separated using commas
  2. When your text contains commas e.g, an open text question which required a user to type a long text which has a comma it, then you need to use text delimiter as " " to define text. This will allow a comma within the text question not to be confused as a column seperator.

The problem is that you likely did not define your delimiter appropriately thus the misalignment of columns


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