CSV file unreadable after deploying into media

I am reaching out regarding an issue I’ve encountered with the CSV file. Every day, I update this file on a regular basis. Nevertheless, for the past three weeks, the accompanying CSV file for a few beneficiaries has appeared empty each time I redeploy the revised CSV form. The filename is still there in the Media folder in the setup, but for some beneficiaries, it shows as empty when I enter the beneficiary ID.

  1. Does the size of the data determine whether or not the CSV can be read?
  2. Does the error message associate with the size of the CSV file? (below is the screenshot of the error message for some of the beneficiary)?


Any advice or assistance the community may provide in resolving this matter would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support.

Hello @molsr and welcome to the community!
The symptoms you describe - and the timing when it started - looks similar to Failure to access csv file uploaded to Settings/Media - #16 by Kal_Lam that @Kal_Lam is looking into. Maybe keep an eye on that thread also? It has a temporary workaround that may help.

All the best

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@molsr, we are investigating this issue, as @nat has mentioned. We will update you once we resolve this issue. But as of now, the temporary solution for this issue is as outlined in this post discussed previously:

FYI there has been a recent patch release of KoBo that may perhaps fix this issue:

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