Currency exchange

Dear Colleagues,

I’m trying to have a restoration form for livelihood for which it will include income per month to be entered in IQD, for that reason I’m in need to have a calculation to change the currency from IQD to USD automatically in Kobo

below my first try but it was succussed :slight_smile:


Thank you

Hi @Ghassan_wilson
Do you have a problem with which you would like the community to support you?


Dear @stephanealoo,

thanks for reaching out to my issue :slight_smile:
Sure I need your support I need to have the income inserted in the form using IQD currency, and I need Kobo tool to calculate the amount entered in IQD to be transferred to USD,

I have tried in my first post to use some of calculation functions that I’m familiar with but it was not succeeded, that’s why I’m reaching out to you seeking for help

Thanks a lot for your usual support

by the way sorry for my typing mistake in my first post as I mentioned (below my first try but it was succussed), but actually it was not succussed.

Dear @stephanealoo,

I just want to let you know that I’ve solved the matter by creating a currency exchange rate amount using numbers with defult rate.

many thanks

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