Data displayed on the total of each disaggregation and not on the full total in KOBO data dashboard

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

When you are using the KOBO data dashboard to view data you can not display data on the total of each disaggregation and not on the full total. The data displayed when disaggregated should be calculated on the total of each disaggregation and not on the full total to allow easier compariso. In other word should be possible to configure graphs’ scale so that each graph sums up to 100% (i.e., so that we interpret the percentage based on the subsample of each town rather than as percentage of the whole sample). Nevertheless, this is possible on the KOBO Excel Analyzer. It would be very convenient to have the same feature on the KOBO data dashboard.

I am using KOBO Humanitarian response

This feature could allow easier data quality check. In fact, for some data you could have a better idea of results by using this feature.
Also, others users seems to have looking for this :

Thanks to look at it