Data download error: Errno 28 - no space left on device

welcome . I have a problem, I can’t export my data
When i try to download my data it shows me the error - [Errno 28] No space left on device: ‘/tmp/export_xlsx7et0rss0’
How to solve the problem?
I need her so badly today

Welcome to the community, @suheep! It has been resolved by now. We had a system-wide overload which has already been resolved. If you still have issues, please let us know.

Hello! I’ve been facing the same error. I read that it’s going to fix itself eventually. Can you tell me usually how long it takes to work again?

Tengo este mismo problema solo en los archivos .XLS

@analucia_espinoza, @unionfuturocorp, the issue should be resolved by now. Could you kindly please confirm?

Resolved. Thank you!!

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Hello, I’m getting the same error message when I try to export the data.

@srokobo, the issue must have been resolved by now!