Kobo is becoming unstable at all, and we are thinking to completely shift to another tool, no enough support and bugs are continue to rise day by day. I just realized that the data “repeat” is completely missing and it gives me an export failure as well, so disappointed
Hi @tareqd8,
Welcome to the community! Do you mean you lost your data for the repeat group questions? Kindly please confirm. Would you also mind sharing us the screenshot of what you assume is missing from your dataset. This should help us identify your problem.
Have a great day!
Hi Kal,
Yes the repeat group answers has been lost, i need to send the data to the regional office and I cant have any, its all empty !.
Thank you,
Hi @tareqd8,
Kindly please be informed that the structure of the repeat group
questions or the roster
questions is a bit complex when compared to normal questions. Hence it cannot be easily displayed in the preview of your KoBoToolbox server.
However, please be informed that the same is stored in your dataset. You should be able to see them in a different sheet while downloading your dataset in Excel format.
For further clarifications you could also have a look at the post that has been discussed previously which should give you a pictorial idea of how the data of a repeat group is stored in the excel dataset:
Have a great day!
Dear Kal,
Thank you for your reply, unfortunately it doesn’t solve the problem. this is my 7th years working on Kobo and ODK forms, first of all, when i download the data, it doesnt have another sheet of repeated questions, second, as per my previous screenshot, it said “export failure” so, the problem is from KoBo server, would you mind please check it out?
Dear Kal,
Thank you for your reply, unfortunately it doesn’t solve the problem. this is my 7th years working on Kobo and ODK forms, first of all, when i download the data, it doesnt have another sheet of repeated questions, second, as per my previous screenshot, it said “export failure” so, the problem is from KoBo server, would you mind please check it out?
Hi @tareqd8,
Would you mind sharing with me your username and the project name in a private message so that i could have a closer look at my end.
Have a great day!
Hi @tareqd8,
Looked at your survey project closely but could not find any issue. However i saw that your survey project was redeployed 7 different times and there might have been an issue on one of the deployments which should have caused this. But looking at the present deployment did not see any issue.
As a testing I cloned your project and made a test try. Could see the data in the repeat group. Try having a look at it.
Have a great day!
Hi Wroos,
Not really, these are mandatory questions, and I saw the answers before, they just got lost today, basically you can’t submit the form without filling all data.
Hi Kal,
redeployment was just adding new countries to the list, it should not caused any issues and I never had any issues in any of these deployments,
Any other solution?
Hi @tareqd8,
Is it a dummy entry or is it a real entry? I also noticed that it should be a redeployment issue as when i tried to download the data by checking Include fields from all ... deployed versions
and tried to EXPORT
could not. It showed an Export Failed
message. However when i tried to download the data by un-checking the Include fields from all ... deployed versions
i could download the dataset without any error message.
Have a great day!
Hi @Kal_Lam,
Indeed, we should not get export failure, it never happened before. either way, repeated answered are not showing, its not dummy entry, i managed to download few last week and it was ok, only today i realized the data was lost.
Hi @tareqd8,
Maybe would you mind providing us some additional information on the following (which should help our developers to investigate what went wrong):
- The mode of data collection you are using (KoBoCollect android app or Enketo)
- The device and OS
- If Enketo (the browser used and the browser version)
Have a great day!
Hi @Kal_Lam
Only Enketo was used, no mobile apps. I can’t tell you the browsers used for data collection its different countries, but the one I am using is Chrome.
Hi @tareqd8,
Thank you for the information provided (so far). Will report this to our developers. We may need to reach back to you if we require any other additional information. Hope you would help us for the same.
Once again thank you for flagging this out! Apologies for the inconvenience caused!
Have a great day!