Could you kindly share with us the screenshot so that we are able to better understand the scenario at our end. This should also help us provide you a response that should solve your issue.
In your user account (from where you deployed your survey project), ensure that you have checked the required metadata as outlined in the post discussed here:
Note: If you have unchecked with the later redeployments (the data should also be missing at the enumerators end).
At the enumerators level:
Ensure the user has activated the metadata in the KoBoCollect android app. For this you could do the following:
If it’s checked, you will need to see the configuration under the Form metadata. For this you will need to press Form metadata marked as 2 as shown in the image above.
When you select Form metadata you should see the following screen. Advise your enumerators to configure as required.
Doing so you should be able to capture the metadata from all the enumerators. I can guess that some of the enumerators seem to have configured the metadata settings while others seems to have not configured. Kindly please confirm with your enumerators.
But the Person whose details are missing , we had shared two forms with him but in one form, his user name is reflecting where as the one whose screen shot i shared with you , the user name is not reflecting.
If this is the case where in one form his username is there while in the other his username is missing, i guess it’s an admin issue as outlined in the post above. Would you mind checking both these projects and see if you have checked the metadata option in your survey project.