I have a forms where a small number have been submitted to me where there are fields in the table which are completely empty. These include mandatory fields to be entered. A few fields are complete but 90% are blank. These shouldn’t have been able to be submitted without the data being entered.
It has only happened on about three entries. Is this a known issue?
What is the 2nd column of your screenshot, please? This might be an overall initial consent question, which would probably filter out all following questions (and values) out. This will also happen if the enumerator moves back in the filled form and sets the consent from yes to no.
@peat, or maybe even download your form as XLSForm to see if there are any skips or if all the questions are there in the form. My guess is that the form could also have questions missing in the later version of the redeployment.
Thank you for the feedback, I have however heard back from the person who submitted the from and basically it was not submitted correctly, so the situation has been resolved.