Kobotoolbox is running on my personal server, accessible publicly via https://kf.kictanet.or.ke.
I login as super_admin and I have created a Project.
The Project is visible via KoboToolbox
I have installed the Andriod version of the KoboCollect App and configured it by pointing to https://kc.kictanet.or.ke (I hope this is the right subdomain to point it to - according to Data Collection on KoboCollect App (Latest Version) — KoboToolbox documentation).
I have logged in with a username/password I created on the deployment.
However, I am not able to view/download the form.
What exactly am I not doing correctly?
Yes. I was able to submit data through the web form.
One thing I noted about the test data is that it did not indicate anything under “submitted_by.” In my head, I thought it should have captured the submitter’s name
@odhiambo, great! Would you also mind sharing with me the screenshot of one of your deployed projects that is not being downloaded to the app as shown in the image below:
Hi. Is there something in particular that I haven’t done correctly that prevents the Kobo Collect App from accessing the form for download?
I am still stuck with the issue and having thousands of people waiting to access the form. Your assistance with this is highly appreciated.