Data visualization Filters Disapeared


In the past two weeks, when I visualize my data within KoboToolbox, the filtering option disappeared in all my projects. I was really useful for use to monitor data but we do not know what happened.

We are using the account that created the projects. The projects are not shared.

We have tried changing the language or display options as stated in other forum posts but nothing has worked. Can you please help us?

Welcome to the community, @tirico85! We have the fix ready and will be making the patch soon. Will update you once the patch is live.

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Thank you. Hope to hear about the patch soon.

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@aamra, :bowing_man: :pray:

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@tirico85, kindly please be informed that the issue has been fixed with this patch release. For details please see this announcement:

Thank you for your kind patience as always!