Alguien sabe cómo puedo conseguir que un grupo de preguntas aparezca o desaparezca dependiendo de una pregunta inicial de fecha??
La idea es que dependiendo del mes de año en el que estemos aparezca un grupo de preguntas u otro, entonces el año no importa, lo que importa es el mes en el que se rellena el cuestionario
Alguna idea?
Does anyone know how I can get a group of questions to appear or disappear depending on an initial date question?
The idea is that depending on the month of the year in which we are a group of questions appears or another, then the year does not matter, what matters is the month in which the questionnaire is completed.
Any idea?
The problem is that I cannot compare dates for the calculation.
What I need is:
Q1: Survey date
Q2: Harvest questions (only for the months of March, April and May)
Q3: planting questions (only for September and October)
I want to put the skip logic to age in years. i.e If the DOB is available with the respondent, then " kindly put approximate age in years" should be skipped.
currently if i try to put skip logic to age in years, it ask me value; like greater than, less than, equal to etc.
How to skip age in years question if DOB is entered in the previous question?
thank you
I want to put the skip logic to “age in years”. i.e If the DOB is available with the respondent, then the next question " kindly put approximate age in years" should be skipped.
currently if i try to put skip logic to age in years, it ask me value; like greater than, less than, equal to etc.
So, How to skip “age in years” question if DOB is entered in the previous question?
thank you