Datetime control is not working from 12/05/2022

Dear @Kal_Lam ,

I am using kobotoolbox for surveying in health sector. I have created a questionnaire, there is a question for Interview Date and Time. I have define a constraint so that this date should not less than project starting date and not greater than today. We have started project from December 2021.
It was working perfectly till yesterday.
Now It shows an error message which I define in “constraint_message” column-“Invalid date range! Pls check again.”
But If I enter previous any date except today then its working.
Another interesting thing is, when the time does not match with the system time, it always less that computer generated time.

Can you pls check into this matter. I have attached all screen shot regarding this.
For the time being I have removed the constraint for this control, now it is working.
Pls help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance

Asif R Joy

Dear @Kal_Lam
Can you pls look into this matter? Why this problem arises suddenly? Is there any problem in xlsx sheet or in constraint formula?

@asif_rahman_joy, this should be a constraint issue on how you created it. Maybe this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue: