Deploying Challenges

Dear all i am James. I am unable to deploy my form and getting this message:
unable to deploy

your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

ODK Validate Errors: >> XForm is invalid. See above for the errors. : Invalid calculate for the bind attached to “${calculation}” : Couldn’t understand the expression starting at this point: ͎$(males)+$(fema… in expression $(males)+$(females) The following files failed validation: ${tmp47r2jscb} Result: Invalid

Hi @muriithi85,

Can you validate your form in here to see if there are any syntax issues:

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Please, let us avoid duplicate postings on the same issue, see Error when trying to deploy a form.
Your question had been solved there already by @Kal_Lam.


@hakan_cetinkaya, @wroos, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

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