Deployment Issues

Hello, I’ve been presenting this issue since yesterday and there is anything wrong with my connection

Welcome to the community, @Maria2050! Have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator to see any syntax issues?

Hello, thank you so much for the welcoming.

Yes, I did and corrected the error in the XLSForm and still can’t deploy it.

Did you check it again with the online validator, without error?

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@Maria2050, as advised by @wroos, you will need to keep Validating --> Fixing --> Validating Fixing until you see any issues. In this way, you will be able to solve it.

Yes, I saw what was my error and coulf fixed it up! Thanks you so much for all the help :slight_smile:

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I’ve done it in that way. It’s working now! Thank you so much for all your help!

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@Maria2050, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: