Designing my survey form

Buanas noches mis disculpa de antemano.

Como ya he dicho en otra oportunidad soy nuevo con esta herramienta de kobotoobox o kobolhumanitaria.

Estoy haciendo un formulario y la acción es la siguiente:
Explico alingresar 1 solo debe mostrar las 9 preguntas del grupo 1, pero al ingresar 2 debe mostrar el grupo 1 y el grupo 2, al ingresar el 3 en la pregunta control debe mostrarmen las preguntas del grupo 1, 2 y 3 así hasta el grupo 4.
en la preguntas entro a la lógica de exclusión selecciono la pregunta y coloco = 1
La pregunta es: como coloco para que me muestre al seleccionar varios números del 1 al 4 en la tercera opción donde se colocan los numero ya que coloque 1,2,3,4 y luego prove con 1;2;3:4 pero no me los valida, como lo puedo hacer o que texto debo leer ya que busque sobre lógica de exclusión y no he conseguido algo que me oriente o ayude…



Correct me if i have understood you well. If you type 1 in a question you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped as Section 1. Similarly, if you type 2 you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped as Section 1' and Section 2’. And, if you type 3 you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped as Section 1', Section 2’ and Section 3'. Finally, if you type 4you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped asSection 1’, Section 2', Section 3’ and `Section 4’.

Is this what you wish to achieve or design?

Have a great day!

hello Kal_lam
in the read

Correct me if i have understood you well. If you type 1 in a question you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped as Section 1. Similarly, if you type 2 you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped as Section 1' and Section 2’. And, if you type 3 you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped as Section 1', Section 2’ and Section 3'. Finally, if you type 4you should be able to enter a set of questions that is grouped asSection 1’, Section 2', Section 3’ and `Section 4’.

Is this what you wish to achieve or design?

Have a great day!


Sorry did not get you.

Have a great day!

What you need is to develop a skip logic for each section that answers the skip query you have defined. Can you try implementing it and then send over a form for us to review and support you with it.


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