Despite being the owner of a project I cannot download any media attachments

Interesting, I am having the same issue. Despite being the owner of a project I cannot download any media attachments. However, users who were added to the project with the appropriate rights, can do it without any issues.

Welcome to the community, @Nestor_ch! Which browser are you using? Try using one of the modern browsers viz. Chrome, Edge, Firefox if you have been using something else. Besides, downloading media is also affected by your network connectivity if the download size is large. Try using a secure and fast network.

If and incase nothing helps, then try using this approach as discussed previously:

It should help you solve your issue!

Thanks for the quick reply. I am using chrome and my network should be good. The issue is that I get the message ‘Not shared’ when I try to download a file. The download cannot even start, so it’s not an issue of connectivity or browser version. There seems to be a collision of access rights to the project or something similar to that.