I am looking for someone who can help with mentorship in developing an online Management Information System based on KoBoToolbox. I am still learning the ropes with Form development and would really appreciate any help. Data collected to be syored in an online database, user access to be based on location, project and roles. Thamk you in advance.
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Hi @data4gud and welcome to the community.
If you are looking for a professional help I would suggest you to open a post in Job Board - KoBoToolbox Community Forum
If you have a spesific question or a problem that community might help you, please feel free to ask.
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Thank you @hakan_cetinkaya
Hi Courage,
All what you are wanting done is well within my area of expertise and I would be glad to help you out.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson.56782@gmail.com
Cheers and Have a great Saturday,
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Much appreceated @Andrew1. Kindly check your inbox.
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If still needed, i would like to help
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I shall extend my support if you still in need.
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