Does the same case apply (roster data saved in a different sheets) when exporting it to SPSS?

Does the same case apply when exporting it to SPSS or happening

Well, the SPSS download downloads the variable labels and value labels. Then you need to add your xls type data to SPSS. So I don’t think it would be a problem, but I’m not sure. Right now I don’t have SPSS in my computer so I can’t test it out for you.

But please test it yourself and share your findings with us. So the community can use that information in the future too.

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@Liefo, adding to @hakan_cetinkaya, yes when loading your xls data to SPSS, you will need to choose the appropriate sheet when loading your xls data to SPSS. So, if you have 3 sheets in your XLS downloaded dataset then you will need to load your data to SPSS three different times to label your data and choose the appropriate sheet each time (manually).

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