Dot issue with Username while sharing a project

Hello Team

able to create user with Dot but problem is unbale to add in project sharing first name(Dot)last name


Sharing error: user name with Dot not found


@Mdkhamru, can you ensure that the username is in the same server you are using? Please note that sharing is only possible within the same server and is not possible to a user account that is present in the other server. e.g. if you have a username in the HHI server you are able to share your project with another user who has his/her account in a HHI server. Similarly, if you have a username in the OCHA server you are able to share your project with another user who has his/her account in the OCHA server. You will not be able to share a project with a user having a user account in the HHI server to the OCHA server or vise versa.

Hello @Kal_Lam

This is self hosted Server and user and user is on same sever. i am able to share with user with out Dot in middle ,When trying add dot name user not able to add

Test.1 ( not able to add user with Dot who is in same server)
Test ( able to add)
Test_1( able to add)

@Kal_Lam any luck ?

@Mdkhamru, would you mind trying this with one of our servers (OCHA or HHI) to see if it works as expected?

Hello @Kal_Lam

We cant create user name with Dot in both(OCHA or HHI) in first place and also Django it accept for user creation but not in KOBO front end


@Mdkhamru, thank you for updating this to the community. So if this is the case, maybe you will need to create a username without a . even in your self hosted server.