Download error

I have a very urgent problem.
I can’t download data from Kobo. The download process has been going on for 1 hour. What can I do?

We are having the same issue as you. Thanks for pointing it out.

@DFT, @muhammetburcu, could you also let us know the server you are using? This should help us troubleshoot.

@DFT, @muhammetburcu, as a workaround (until we make a fix), please try downloading your data in the XLS (legacy) format. It should work without any issues.

Dear @Kal_Lam, we are using the Humanitarian Response server, and thank you for your support.

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we are also using humanitarian response server too.

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@DFT, @muhammetburcu, please be informed that the issue has been resolved! Thank you for your kind understanding and patience!