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Generally, when you edit your survey forms and redeploy it you should be able to download the data that has been submitted to the server in two different ways. For this, first please see the images below for better understanding:
Image 1 is a scenario where there is no redeployment in the survey project while Image 2 is a scenario which has redeployment in the survey project (as shown by the red marking).
Hence the difference between the project which has no redeployment and which has a redeployment is seen as shown in image 2 which has a check box with a message Include fields from all 3 deployed versions. The 3 as shown in the message is as follows: the fist one as deployed, the second and the third as redeployed version.
The thing that you should keep in mind here is that if you select the check box (which is by default checked when a project has been redeployed) marked with Include fields from all 3 deployed versions you should be able to download all the cases with the entire variables (including the variables that has been deleted during the recent deployment). Similarly, if you do not select the check box, you are allowed to download all the cases but with only the variables that are available with the latest deployment.
Hi, salutes from Colombia and congratulations for this good project
We are using Kobo for censing families affected by territory and land conflicts in north coast regiĂłn of Colombia.
We are working in this project: http://transformemospaz.com
We are using Kobo for the first time with higher number of families and a huge questionaire.
We had to make changes after first day applying it, last two versions after applying more or less 20 surveys.
We changed two or three questions (redaction, added or modified options). But now, we can’t download any data in that answers,
We can’t do that, even using the button to include data from all versions expained in this post. Is there another way to get the whole database without lost information?
Hi, thanks for your response. I used that post also but it didn’t work for me.
I changed two questions of multiple selection, I only changed writing of one question, renamed and added some options of the other. That was what I did and now I can’t retrieve answers from old versions, even using the option “include all fields form all deployed versions”.
Could you tally the total number of submissions seen in your KoBoToolbox account (under DATA) and the total number of cases that you see while downloading the XLS data?