I have removed the name and the ID of the form (I do not think it is relevant). In this form, a lot of tables are used, together around 2 kb., but I don’t think that is the problem. Can someone help me with problem?
Yes, in de url of the server settings is written https://kc.kobotoolbox.org/… (with the reference where the data is sent to) . With the other projects we experience no problems with downloading the forms.
I have looked into it again, uploaded it the ODK - XLSForm Online v2.x and everything looks fine, but unfortunately I still cannot download it on the ODK Collect.
Yes it is possible to share the xlsform with the community:
Would you mind sharing them too? Maybe you could simply share a sample of the same, but please note that the variable names of the csv should be a real one.
NA. is not allowed, hence try using NA. Similarly, NA..1 is not allowed, hence try using NA_1. In the same way media..image is not allowed, hence try using media_image. This change should solve your issue. Make sure you fix these issues with other csv file too.