Duplicate or triplicate of item in questions

Hi, When you add the Semanal item, I save the form and then update it duplicates or triples it, it has already been done several times.

I noticed this behavior when I was testing the form and people were duplicating the item. when I check on the form I notice it duplicated, when I removed it and left only one, I updated and now it doesn’t appear on the implemented form

As I need to complete the survey, I will delete them and do them again. I’m sorry I can’t help anymore: S

The problem you have explained clearly details an issue with your form. Could you send the XLS version of the form we look at it?


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Hi Stephane
I can’t send you it because I modified the form and I didn’t download that :frowning:

Just checking whether this worked for you


Well I Deleted The Questions And I Did Them Again

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