Dynamic data link hanging up

Dear Community, I’m experiencing an unusual challenge and I don’t know if this is a common problem.

I use dynamic link a lot and I’m currently building up a new field form that requires linking two forms together. However, after sharing some fields from the parent form and i tried importing the fields into the child form, it keeps rolling forever withouth bringing up the fields for me to select. This has been on for 2 days now. I’ve tried it on different devices and networks but still the same problem.

Kindly advice on what to do. What exactly can be the problem?
I attached herewith a picture of the screen

Thank you.

Welcome back to the community, @elvis_pooplogg! Could you kindly let us know the server you are using? This should help us troubleshoot your issue.

Thanks Kal_Lam,

I’m on the non-humanitarian Server.

@elvis_pooplogg, I am checking to see if you resolved this issue or if you are still stuck with the same. We had a minor glitch in our system on that day.

Hi Kal_Lam,

Thanks for checking up on me. I’m still very much battling with the issue.
I decided to break up the xlsform into small bits and upload a section at a time, fill with data and share the fields to discover what the problem is. I got to a point where just one particular field kept bringing up an error message (posted below) and I really can’t understand why. I can select several other fields to share (before and after this field), but the moment I pick the field, i get stuck again. I have also included a snapshot of the xls file for this section. My next step will be to duplicate this field, give it a new field name and see if I| can share the new one, if it works , i’ll delete the old one.

Well, I got over the above error by duplicating the question and renaming the duplicated field, I still can’t import the shared fields, please see same continuous rolling of the page:

Hi Kal_lam,

Any insight intohow to resolve this problem?

@elvis_pooplogg, sorry for the delayed response. Yes, this seems to be a bug at our end. We are working to fix this.

But as a workaround (until we make a fix), you can click to Select all and after a few moments (though nothing happens in the UI) click to ACCEPT. You should be able to continue working smoothly with the dynamic data attachment feature.

OK thanks, I’ll try it out and get back to you.

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@elvis_pooplogg, kindly please be informed that the bug is now fixed. FYR …

God bless you and your team.

Many Thanks.

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@elvis_pooplogg, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: