e.globalReset is not a function (error message)

Hi, I am facing the same issue. Can you kindly guide me

Welcome to the community, @michelleann! Could you also let us know the server you are using? Please also let us know when you get this error message. These details should help us troubleshoot your issue.

We are using EU server. It happened when saving the form as a draft

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I have this issue too when I try to edit the form:

I also use EU server.

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Hi Kal,

We are using the EU server

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@michelleann, @mushegianed, do you get this error message when you save an edited form or when you try to save a filled-up form as a draft (in Enketo)?

When we save the edited form.

@mushegianed, a quick question. Did you, by any chance, validate your XLSForm through this online validator to see if there are any syntax issues?