Edit for submission in kobotoolbox for specific condition

Hello everyone,
I just want to make editable form after submission on certain condition.
For that I set rules via setting>sharing>add user>Edit submissions based on a condition

But it doesnt work, as no any data was shown.

I just want to make editable whole form for certain condition
and other submitted form shouldn’t be visible unless meet that condition.

Did I miss anything? or have to code anything else in the scripting.

Welcome to the community, @roshan123123! You should be able to learn more about the same through this support article Row-Level Permissions.

Thank you so much @Kal_Lam . It works.

I have given permission to user to edit submitted form only and it works but why he has the permission to changed form , re-deploy form, change name.

I was trying to give permission to edit submitted form only not the whole form.
Above 1st screenshot is the permission, I have given.

What am I missing here?
How can I fix this issue?
Kindly waiting for your guidance.