It seems that there was an update in our Kobo Tool and since that, there are some data that we cannot edit. The following message appears “Editing responses from repeat group questions is not possible yet”.
Is the problem being solved at Kobo level? Or is the issue coming from our settings? I couldn’t find anything.
Welcome to the community, @ASFFrance! Could you also let us know the server you are using? It would also be helpful if you could share with us a screenshot of the error message itself.
@Kal_Lam, this is what we usually do and it works perfectly. But it seems that there has been recently an update, and now when we want to edit a single submission, the message I shared with you earlier in showing. We can edit other sections, but not follow-up ones (as shown in the screenshot, as well as some of the personal information sections).
Dear Kal-Lam, thank you for the response and sorry for the late reply.
Can you please send me a private message so I can be sure I am replying to you in the correct space? I am sorry about this, it is just that the data I am working with is very sensitive and I need to be sure before sharing our log-in details. many thanks for your help. .
Ok! Do you know if the server has recently updated and changed format? We now no longer have the option to simply view a case file, or view a single submission.