Error (502): Bad Gateway

Dear all,

Via this way I kindly ask for your support with error message: (502): Bad Gateway that we’ve been receiving since a couple of days.

We have used the JSON V2 API* succesfully for quite some time now, the problems only started recently.

https://kf.kobotoolbox. org/api/v2/assets/[Asset UID]/data/?format=json&start=40000&limit=59999

(mind the space between box. and org)

  • The limit is there to ensure that the number of submissions doesn’t the exceed the maximum of 30k.
  • Limiting the number of submissions per query sometimes helps, sometimes it doesn’t.
  • I’ve tried downloading the data with different applications but all of them (Power BI web service, Power BI desktop and Excel (online)) give the same error message.
  • The error message appears rather quick (within a minute or so).

Looking forward to your response and thank you in advance.




@niels396, the team is still investigating the cause of this. In the meantime, please use even lower limits with more pagination until the requests succeed. Once this issue is resolved, you can increase the limits again.

Thank you again for noting this issue.

@Kal_Lam I am having a similar error. Using the humanitarian server.

It has been working well before, the issue started 3 days ago. The xls has about 60,000 records.