Error 502 in (synchronous) export data from Kobo to Excel

Hello, dear community!

I’ve configured synchronous data extraction from Kobo to Excel by API using URL: https://{kf_url}/api/v2/assets/{asset_uid}/export-settings/{export_settings_uid}/data.xlsx.
I’ve started to get error “502 Bad Gateway” after Kobo form got more than 10’000 submissions.
I will be much appreciate if you can suggest whether it is possible to remove “2 min limitation” or other practices how to extract data from Kobo to Excel by API?

Thank you,

Best Regards,

Welcome to the community, @Dmytro! So you mean you had no issues when your data was <10k, but it started returning an error message when it exceeded 10k. Did I get you correctly? Could you also let us know the server you are using? At the same time, could you also let us know the exact total number of submissions you have for this project? This should help us troubleshoot your issue.

Hello @Kal_Lam,
Correctly, when it was <10K - I didn’t get such error. I’m using server.
Currently I have 11327 submissions.
If I’m going to DATA tab → Downloads - there is no error after pressing EXPORT button and then Downloading the report

It happens when I’m opening my API URL in browser and in Excel Power Query. For example in browser:

I found in community that there is a limitation for synchronous extraction when Excel of browser it’s trying to extract data more than 2 minutes.